How the Changes to Royal Mail Services Will Affect you!

January 22, 2024

Product Variants

From 1st April 2024, Royal Mail are withdrawing a number of their Publishing Mail, Business Mail and Advertising Mail services.

Please find below a list of the products that might suit your needs instead. Contact MPS today to find out what you need to do to transition to this new service advised.

Product Variants Information

Current ‘bespoke’ product variant Current product code Alternative service advised Alternative product code
Standard Unsorted 1C SCM Unsorted Account 1C UNA
Standard Unsorted 2C SCM Unsorted Account 2C UNB
Bespoke Unsorted Advanced 1C BSA Unsorted Advanced 1C UNI
Bespoke Unsorted Advanced 2C BSB Unsorted Advanced 2C UNJ
Bespoke Unsorted OCR 1C SC1 Unsorted Advanced 1C UNI
Bespoke Unsorted OCR 2C SC2 Unsorted Advanced 2C UNJ
Unsorted Standard Advertising 1C CLN Unsorted Account 1C UNC
Unsorted Standard Advertising 2C CLN Unsorted Account 2C UND
Publishing Mail Profile High Sort 1C PP1 Sorted Mailmark or Manual Low Sort EBP or LOM
Publishing Mail Profile High Sort 2C PP2 Sorted Mailmark or Manual Low Sort EBQ or LON